1. The Club shall be called the Haslingden & District Fly Fishing Club.
2. It shall be the duty of every member of the Club to read and familiarise themselves with the Club Rules and the Health & Safety Policy Statement of the Club. Ignorance of either the Club Rules or the Policy Statement or any part thereof will not be accepted as an excuse for any infringement.
3. The objectives of the Club are:-
a. To obtain trout and other game fishing waters for the use of members.
b. To pursue other such projects as the members may from time to time determine.
4. The business of the Club shall be conducted by:- The President, The Chairman, The Honorary Secretary, The Honorary Treasurer, The Honorary Membership Secretary, A Committee of a minimum of six elected members (in addition to the above named officers of the club).
5. The President, Chairman, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer, and Honorary Membership Secretary shall be elected for a period of two years.
6. Three members shall be elected to the committee each year to serve a period of for two years.
7. Subject to termination of office by resignation or otherwise, the Officials and Committee shall remain in office until their successors are appointed at the Annual General Meeting next following the expiration of the periods for which they are elected.
8. Retiring officials and members of the Committee shall be eligible for re-election.
9. The officials and Committee shall have power to fill any vacancy or vacancies that may occur, by co option, pending elections at the next Annual General Meeting, to fill such vacancy or vacancies.
10. The Quorum at all meetings shall be five, including officers of the club.
11. There shall be five trustees of the Club elected by the members and they shall respectively hold office until death or resignation, unless removed from office by a resolution of the committee or members.
12. Any vacant Trustees positions, shall be filled by the Committee and the person so nominated shall hold office until the next Annual General Meeting at which point they may retire, or stand for election and have their position of Trustee ratified.
13. The property of the Club shall be vested in the Trustees and they shall deal with the property as directed by resolution of the Committee, of which entry in the minute book shall be conclusive evidence.
14. The Trustees shall be indemnified any personal liability arising from or connected with the performance of their duty as trustees, excepting liability that arises from acts of deliberate dishonesty or gross negligence.
15. A banking account shall be maintained on behalf of the Club and the bank shall be empowered to honour cheques drawn on the account signed by any one of the approved panel of signatories.
16. The financial year for the Club shall end on the last day of October.
17. The Annual General Meeting shall be held annually at a date to be determined by the committee each year, before the end of February.
a. Not less than fourteen days notice of this meeting shall be given to all full members.
b. Junior members aged 12 years or over shall be eligible to attend the Annual General Meeting of the Club but shall not be entitled to vote on any issue.
c. Members having business to place on the agenda for the Annual General Meeting shall send written particulars of the same to the Secretary not later than 15th January in each year.
d. Members wishing to have proposals considered by the Annual General Meeting shall send written particulars of the same to the Secretary no later than 2 weeks prior to the published date of the AGM, and include signatures of proposer and seconder. For the proposal to be heard, both the proposer and seconder must be present at the meeting, and only the proposal may be considered, not variations thereof.
18. That on a requisition being signed by twenty full members for a Special General Meeting to be summoned, that the same shall be convened within 28 days after the receipt by the secretary of such requisition.
19. Subscription shall be determined by the members for the following seasons at the Annual General Meeting.
20. There shall be the following categories of membership (age being that on 1st March for coming season):-
Adult - A member over the age of 18, but not qualifying for either “Senior” or “Student” membership.
Probationer - An adult member with less than 2 years as a member of the club. Probationers may attend but shall not be eligible to vote at Annual General Meetings or Special General Meetings, or to make proposals at such.
Family Probationers - will be moved to “Adult” following 2 full years membership, by ratification at committee, provided no rule infringement have occurred or complaints about the member which have been upheld, have been received. Should any infringement or complaint be received, the committee reserve the right to cancel, or refuse renewal of membership of a probationer. Family membership shall cover one “Adult” or “Probationer” and one “Junior”. The cost of “Family” membership shall be the “Adult” subscription plus £20. The “Family” will share the normal adult catch limit. Within Family membership, Junior is classified as under 18, with no lower age limit.
Senior - A member over the age of 65, subject to the conditions below. No member shall be eligible for Senior (concessionary) subscription, if that member joined after the 14th February 2008. That the member has held continuous membership from or before 14th February 2008 The Senior (concessionary) membership subscription is fixed at £25 less than the “Adult” membership subscription.
Life - A member, who, through exceptional service or support of the club, is granted membership of the club for life by the committee, and ratification at the AGM, with no annual membership fee.
Student - A member of 18 – 21 years of age, in full time education. The cost of “Student” membership shall be the “Adult” subscription less £30. Proof of status must be provided at each renewal. Junior A member above the age of 14, but under the age of 18, at the commencement of the season but not covered by “Family” membership. The membership fee, shall be such sum as the committee shall determine.
21. All applications for “Renewal” and “New Membership” shall be made by completing, signing and returning application form provided by the Membership Secretary.
22. Subscriptions must be paid on or before the 31st January for the coming season.
23. Any member failing to pay by 31st January shall automatically cease to be a member of the Club.
24. Membership of the Club shall extend from the 1st of March each year until the last day of February in the following year.
25. The number of “Adult” members (including Senior & Adult “Family” Members) will be restricted to 200 or such other number as the Committee shall in their absolute discretion determine from time to time.
26. The number of Junior members (Family or otherwise) will be restricted to 20 or such other number of members as the Committee shall in their absolute discretion determine from time to time.
27. When visiting the reservoir premises or any other trout or game fishing waters used by the members, “Junior” members must be accompanied at all times by a responsible adult.
28. Members joining the Club must.
a. Pay an entrance fee as determined at the Annual General Meeting.
b. Members whose membership has lapsed (excluding those who have requested a temporary suspension of membership) must pay the entrance fee regardless of previous payment of such a fee.
c. “Junior” members, with more than 2 years membership, on becoming “Adult” members shall not be liable to pay such an entrance fee.
d. Entrance fee will not be returnable under any circumstances.
e. All new members must attend a New Members Induction meeting before membership is confirmed.
f. New Membership shall only be considered prior to the start of the season unless by agreement of the committee.
g. New “Junior” members may be admitted to the Club at any time of the year
h. “Junior” members joining the Club part-way through the season, must attend an Induction meeting by arrangement with the Committee, before membership is confirmed.
29. An “Adult” or “Senior” member, may request, voluntary suspension of membership of 1 season in any 5 year period.
30. Erection by the Club or any member of the Club of any structure or works of any description whatever, (including tents and bivvies) without the express authority of the committee.
31. Shooting is strictly prohibited, and will only allowed by licensed individuals, approved by United Utilities for the control of vermin or predators.
32. Any sport other than fishing shall be prohibited.
33. No dogs or other animals shall be brought on the premises and birds, birds’ nests and other wildlife shall not be interfered with.
34. The Club shall keep the premises in a clean and tidy condition and no litter or refuse of any description must be left on the reservoir premises by any member of the Club or their guests.
35. A toilet will be provided close to the cabin and members and their guests must make use of these facilities when required. a. When not in use, the toilet must remain locked. b. Suitable padlocks will be fitted and the provided key will open it.
36. Members shall, as far as possible, prevent trespass and ensure only authorised persons fish.
37. Members shall, as far as possible, avoid interference or damage to the banks or other property of United Utilities plc.
38. No member must in any way foul or interfere with the catchment or drainage channels, or any other property belonging to United Utilities plc.
39. Should any member accidently cause any damage, either to Club or United Utilities Property, they must report the same immediately to the Bailiff.
40. Access to the Reservoir must be made by the gate specified by United Utilities plc, which must be left in the same position (open or closed) the member finds the gate in when they gain admittance.
41. Members must leave by the same gate, which must be left in the same position (open or closed) the member finds the gate in when they leave.
42. All members must sign in to the “Attendance & Catch Register” (which is kept in the cabin) at the commencement and cessation of fishing.
43. In addition, all members must record in the “Attendance & Catch Register” the total number of fish that have been caught in that session, noting species, approximate size and if kept or returned.
44. The supervising adult of “Junior” Members will be responsible for ensuring Junior Members are signed in the on the “Attendance & Catch Register” (which is kept in the cabin), that records of fish caught and release are completed, and that the “Junior” is signed out at cessation of fishing.
45. The supervising adult will be responsible for the security of United Utilities premises, the cabin and toilets, and the safety of the “Junior Member”.
46. Junior members on reaching the age of sixteen years will be allowed to fish unsupervised from the Bank, but must not fish unsupervised from the dam wall, or boat.
47. All members shall produce Membership Card and Environment Agency Rod Licenses on the request of any authorised officer of United Utilities plc, or any other member of the Club.
48. Fishing Rules.
a. Fly fishing only. Bait fishing and spinning is strictly prohibited.
b. Members use only one rod at any one time (Multiple rods made ready may be carried).
c. Rods must be held at all times.
d. Use only single hooks only, up to a maximum size 8, (i.e. no doubles, trebles or tandems).
e. A maximum of 3 hooks may be used on any rod.
f. All hooks must be barbless or debarbed.
g. Ground baiting is strictly prohibited.
h. Members shall carry and use landing nets at all times.
i. Members shall not use bubble floats or keep nets.
j. Wading in the reservoir is prohibited.
k. No fish to be under 11 inches, to be measured from the tip of the snout to the fork of the tail to be taken.
l. No more than three sizeable trout to be taken per days fishing and not more than six sizeable trout to be taken per weeks fishing.
m. Fishing must cease for the day, when three fish have been killed on that day and for the week, when six fish have been killed in that week.
n. A week for the purpose of this rule shall commence each Sunday at midnight.
o. Fish caught must not be sold.
49. The permitted hours for fishing are from dawn to dusk during the period from:-
a. The 15th March until the last day of September that same year for brown trout.
b. The 15th March until the last day of February the following year for rainbow and blue trout, at the Committee’s discretion.
50. For a period following a stocking (including the day of the stocking) the committee shall have power to restrict fishing to parts of the reservoir as the committee in their absolute discretion determine. Members will be notified of the restriction by placement of a notice in the club hut with the “Attendance & Catch Register”.
51. The area of restriction will extend between the two white posts on the bank of the reservoirs (posts in from of the club hut, and at East end of the inflow spillway) East, to the dam wall of the reservoir. Members shall not fish in the area during the notified period.
52. Each member shall be issued with 2 guest tickets per season. Guests must be accompanied at the reservoirs by the member who invited them and must be supervised at all times. The guest must hold a current Environment Agency Rod Licence. The catch limit shall be shared with the host (ie fishing must cease when a total of 3 fish have been killed between the member and the guest).
53. Members must not invite any person as a guest, who has been removed from the water by the bailiff, or had membership revoked by the committee.
54. Additional guest tickets can be purchased by members from the committee for such sum as the committee shall determine.
55. Boat Rules
a. Only members and their guests, (accompanied by the club member) are allowed to use boats.
b. Members wishing to use boats must be inducted by an appointed official (committee member or bailiff) on boat safety, launching and recovery procedure and boat rules.
c. An Adult member must accompany Junior members at all times when using a club boat (see rule 46).
d. Buoyancy aids provided by the club, or members own buoyancy aid/self-inflating life jackets must be worn at all times when afloat in a club boat.
e. All members using a boat must signify to other members by clearly writing “boat” in the comment column of the attendance & catch register.
f. Club boats cannot be reserved and are available on a “first come, first served” basis only.
g. No more than three persons are permitted at any time in any club boat.
h.Lone anglers fishing from a boat must make their spare seats available to other members if requested, and all boats in use.
i. When launching a boat, members must set the clock for their boat at the slipway with their launching time. Use of boats is restricted to 6 hours, after which if all boats are in use, the boat must be returned to the boat dock and made available for use by other members if required.
j. If the boat is not required then the angler may continue fishing for a further six hours or until recalled by a member wishing to use a club boat. Members waiting for a boat in such circumstances must be at the slipway at the return time (6 hours from time indicated on clock) to exchange use of boat, and if not present, the boat will be assumed to be not required and may continue to be used as Rule 55-i.
k. The bung, found on the inside rear panel of the boat, must be screwed into the bung hole found at the bottom of the rear panel on the outside of the boat. The bung must be unscrewed and returned to the inside position after the boat is secured on the mooring.
l. Boats must be launched in rotation using the nearest to centre boat first and leaving the centre of the mooring site clear for returning boats.
m. No boat shall approach within 40 yards (36.56 meters) from the bank, except when leaving or approaching the boat dock. Working party requirements or an emergencies afloat are excepted.
n. When fishing from anchor, the anchor must be dropped no closer than 40 yards from shore, so as to not interfere with bank fishing.
o. The bay (marked by white posts as shown on the map of the reservoir) is out of bounds to boat anglers at all times. Working party requirements or an emergency afloat are excepted.
p. Trolling is strictly forbidden at all times.
q. Sonar and/or electronic fish-finding equipment is strictly forbidden at all times.
r. Only electric outboard motors (from a minimum of 40 ft/lb and to a maximum power of 60 ft/lb thrust) to be used on boats. A written request to the Committee must be submitted and written permission obtained before members may use the specified outboard.
s. Members must carry oars on boat even when using an electric outboard.
t. Care must be taken at all times to avoid damage to the Club boats and equipment. Any damage or loss must be reported to a bailiff (or Committee member) as soon as possible.
u. As per rule 48-m, if any anglers kill three fish (or reaches their weekly maximum of six fish killed), the boat must be returned to the boat dock and made available for use by other members. If any angler on a shared boat kills 3 fish, that angler must cease fishing, but may stay afloat.
v. When fishing has ceased, boats must be docked on the slipway with care, winched up to the moorings, securely chained and locked to the staples provided. When using the hand winch, care must be taken not to trap the cable in the winch gears or between the drum and winch frame. After use, the winch handle must be removed and placed in the oar storage box. The winch must then be covered with the plastic drum for weather protection.
w. The first boats to moor up must be pushed to each side of the mooring site, leaving the centre clear allowing following boats to be winched in.
x. After use, oars must be returned and locked into the oar storage box provided.
y. All litter must be removed from the boats and disposed of in a proper way.
z. Club buoyancy aids and other equipment must be returned to the cabin, and buoyancy aids placed on the hangers provided and allowed to dry.
56. All members should comply with any instruction from Bailiff immediately and without question. In the event that any member has a complaint about the instruction given by the bailiff, then that member should make a complaint in writing to the Club Secretary, and that complaint shall be heard by the committee and adjudicated on within 28 days, (or at the earliest opportunity).
57. The Committee shall have power to call to a disciplinary meeting if any member of the club, is accused of a breach of the rules, or acting in a manner in an unsportsmanlike manner or in contravention of the interests and objectives of the club. The committee may, having considered such evidence as is available to them impose such sanction upon an offending member as they think fit, including suspension for finite period and/or termination of membership. For any sanction to be imposed, there must be a vote of a simple majority, by ballot of the assembled committee, in favour of the sanction.
58. Any member subject to a disciplinary meeting shall be informed in writing with a minimum at 21 days notice of the meeting and have the right to attend and advance any explanation as they see fit.
59. If a member declines to attend a disciplinary meeting the committee has the power to determine the complaint against that member in his/her absence.
60. Where a membership is terminated, that person will not be eligible to reapply for membership, to visit or fish at the reservoir either as a guest of another member, or another club at competition. At any time.
61. By joining the club, members agree, by providing their personal details, including name, address, telephone numbers and email, to the data being held securely by officers of the club, for use in administration of the club activities, as required by GDPR.
62. The Committee shall have power to add to or alter these rules but any such additions or alterations will only come into effect when confirmed at the Annual General Meeting or at a special General Meeting convened for the purpose, of which due notice must be given.
(C) 2025 Haslingden & District Fly Fishing Club [Developed by Colin Harper]
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